Helping District 5790 Rotary Clubs Embrace Rotary Technology

Managing a Vibrant Club in Rotary in the 21st century requires the effective use of Rotary technology. The District 5790 Technology Committee is made up of Rotary members experienced in all types of technology and it's application in Rotary processes. We have volunteered our time to support District 5790 Technology needs as well as the technology needs of our 72 Vibrant Clubs.
District 5790 Technology Support Committee
Committee Chairman - John Pokorny (817-505-7075)
Team Members
Stuart Hill
Craig Martin
Jeani Secord
Our intended roll is two fold; provide support for the district leadership, managing the districts website which includes the digital aspects of district events, information site pages and providing support for 72 Rotary clubs in our district that need help with their Rotary applications. We provide technology training and on-call technology support for clubs.
We also serve on other district committees to help support their efforts, working closely with the Public Image committee and the Club Culture Committee.
Committee Director John Pokorny is also available to speak at your clubs regarding the use of Rotary Technology. Presently, 2 programs are available; Utilizing Technology to Enhance Community Awareness of Rotary and How Vibrant Clubs use ClubRunner.

Embracing Rotary Technology
Our committee will support clubs for all types of Rotary Technology providing clubs guidance in using the following:
ClubRunner Website Management
ClubRunner Event Management tools
ClubRunner Club Administrative tools
ClubRunner Newsletter Module
ClubRunner Member Engagement tools
ClubRunner Prospective Member pipeline tools
ClubRunner e-mail
There are many outstanding technology tools on Rotary.org. Our team is available to encourage and help support the use of the following tools:
Rotary Club Central
Club and Member Data Administration
Rotary Learning Center
Rotary Logo's and Materials including create your own brochures and people of action graphics
Rotary Graphics and Videos
In the upper left corner of this page are several links useful to club members. However, if you do not have the time to study one of the excellent tutorials, please feel free to contact us. Sometimes a 5 minute phone call can resolve your technology issue.
Please feel free to contact us with questions regarding any of the above items. Our team is diverse some are former club presidents with experience using the tools, some are tech geeks and some are both. But, all love helping fellow Rotary members. Just place your pointer in the committee member of your choice above and send them an e-mail. Depending on the need, the person you select may defer to another committee member, but we will help you resolve your technology issue.