Speakers Bureau
District List of Speakers
The district list of speakers is continually updated. We would love to add additional speakers that Rotary Clubs have vetted and loved.
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The Speakers Bureau committee is constantly searching for high quality speakers that our Rotary Clubs are proud to present to their members and guests. If you club has had a great speaker recently or if you are aware of a great speaker that is willing to serve our members at their meetings please contact a member of the Public Image committee.
In addition, through our relationship with Toastmasters, there are several highly recommended speakers available through the Toastmasters Speakers Bureau. Click here to access.
The recommended speakers listed on this page have been provided by fellow Rotarians throughout District 5790. Their presence on this list is not to be considered as an endorsement by District 5790 leadership or members of the public image committee. Each club is accountable for vetting these speakers, the content of their presentations and the appropriateness if the subject matter for their own club culture.