Club executives have long struggled to maintain a club data base that is current with the Rotary International database. District 5790 now has available a Rotary International data integration tool that makes that task much simpler. The tool is available through the districts Clubrunner Website.


35 District 5790 clubs have already chosen to initiate the RI integration module. The module saves the aggravation of reconciling the club membership data with the RI membership data whenever the semi-annual dues are presented.

The district is encouraging the remaining clubs to "switch-on" data integration with RI (automatic) directly from their clubs Clubrunner website. Those clubs that are not using Clubrunner may "switch on" data integration with RI(automatic) via the district website.

Clubs may download the RI Integration Guide at Member Data Integration link. The guide provides a step-by-step process for the club President or Secretary to integrate the data. The tutorial for non Clubrunner participating clubs starts on page 6.

You may also be interested in attending the Webinar on on Feb 18, 2014 at 3 pm on this subject. Register for RI Data Integration Seminar at Integration Webinar link.

The district goal is 100% of our clubs being fully integrated with RI. If you should have problems with integrating your clubs database, please contact either District 5790 Secretary, Darhyl Ramsey at or District 5790 Webmaster, John Pokorny at