The June 2020 Rotary Rises Press Kit

The Covid 19 Pandemic has dealt a blow to our
local communities health wise and economically.
As people-of-action, Rotary Responds
We are encouraging all our clubs to share our people of action story about this effort. Clubs and Rotary members identified the need, raised the money, submitted The Rotary Foundation Grant and are now providing funds to 3 hospital's and 3 food bank partners that serve in every part of the district. The Tarrant Area Food Bank partner agencies list is provided for clubs to confirm the participation of their local soup kitchen or food pantry serving the needy in their community.
This kit includes everything clubs need to share the news. Simply download the above documents.
1. Familiarize yourself and your club members with the information in the Rotary Rises Infographic and the Press Release Instructions.
2. Identify the media contacts for your community (download media contacts list).
3. Prepare your clubs Rotary Rises Press Release using the template provided.
a. The template provides information regarding funds to hospitals and food banks
b. If your club has also contributed labor, money or both to local kitchens or pantry's that are benefiting from those food banks, include those items in your press release.
c. Contact the community relations department of the charity your club supports with volunteers or funds to assess their participation with media communications.
4. Email the press release to your community press contacts
5. Follow-up with the media contact either by phone or in person. Make sure to use the talking points provided when visiting with media.
6. Consider partnering to send press releases with nearby Rotary clubs that support with the same local charities.
7. Celebrate. When media has published your story, share it on your club Social Media pages and encourage members to share on their personal Social Media Pages. Share the news articles on the District 5790 Face Book page.
This Press Kit includes several support documents - see list in left column