Have you been wondering where the District Directory is?  It is right in your computer!!  Yes, all you have to do is download the information punch some holes put it into a binder and you have your very own District 5790, 2016-2017 Directory.  What's in side is more concise then previous directories, yet more information then you probably will need.  To get your very own District 5790 Directory follow the direction below...
To get your very own Directory follow these simple instructions:
1.  Go to District 5790 Website front page.
2.  Click on Club Contacts -
3.  Scroll down to 2016-2017 District Directory Download  On the far left you will see all the topics you may want... 
  • District organization and club Presidents with photos
  • Club executives and directors
  • District Governor visits
  • Areas listed in numerically order
  • Clubs listed in Alphabetically order
  • List of all our past District Governors over the years in alpha order
4. It will take 38 pieces of paper unless you do it front and back, which I prefer not and one binder.  I got mine from Wal-Mart for $0.50.
5. I also put 2X4 Avery label on the front so it looks official.